
Mango habanero Shrimp taco recipe

This recipe was made by Alina (tiktok: @alinaprokuda). She made a mango mixture with Elijah's Xtreme Pineapple Mango Habanero sauce and then made Xtreme Regret shrimp. This is a spicy...

This recipe was made by Alina (tiktok: @alinaprokuda). She made a mango mixture with Elijah's Xtreme Pineapple Mango Habanero sauce and then made Xtreme Regret shrimp. This is a spicy...

Everything bagel recipe breakfast recipe elijahs xtreme tiktok recipe

This recipe was made by Manu (tiktok: @tomatoesinsummer). She made a homemade sourdough everything bagel and added loads of delicious toppings and made it spicy with Elijah's Xtreme Regret Sauce.

This recipe was made by Manu (tiktok: @tomatoesinsummer). She made a homemade sourdough everything bagel and added loads of delicious toppings and made it spicy with Elijah's Xtreme Regret Sauce.

Reaper Wings with Xtreme Regret Ranch Recipe | Elijah's Xtreme

This recipe was created by Tone Ramirez (tiktok: @tfti.bbq). He made Reaper wings with Blazing Star BBQ seasoning and made a ranch with Elijah's Xtreme Regret Sauce.ย 

This recipe was created by Tone Ramirez (tiktok: @tfti.bbq). He made Reaper wings with Blazing Star BBQ seasoning and made a ranch with Elijah's Xtreme Regret Sauce.ย 

Xtreme Regret Melt Recipe | Elijah's Xtreme

This recipe was made by Zay (tiktok:chef_zaythoven). He made a fantastic melt with Elijah's Xtreme Regret Sauce.ย 

This recipe was made by Zay (tiktok:chef_zaythoven). He made a fantastic melt with Elijah's Xtreme Regret Sauce.ย